Tar is the common name for the resinous, partially combusted particulate matter produced by the burning of tobacco and other plant material in the act of smoking. Tar is toxic and damages the smoker's lungs over time through various biochemical and mechanical processes.[1] Tar also damages the mouth by rotting and blackening teeth, damaging gums, and desensitizing taste buds. Tar includes the majority of mutagenic andcarcinogenic agents in tobacco smoke (IARC, 1986).Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), for example, are genotoxic via epoxidation.
how to resolve the issue
$ tar xvf archive_name.tar
or you can go for tar zxvf lungs.tar.gz
to be continued.........
$ tar xvf archive_name.tar
or you can go for tar zxvf lungs.tar.gz
to be continued.........